One of the Greatest Virtues of our Fraternity is Charity
The Masonic Brotherhood Fund has been the charity fundraising arm of our fraternity for over 50 years. We are a charitable organization; tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your generous contributions allow the Masonic Brotherhood Fund to make an impact on our community. We are proud of the support the Masonic Brotherhood Fund has received an its impact on Grand Lodge Charities. Year after year, the generosity of our Masonic Family has helped sustain many important organizations and community projects such as the New York City Children’s Dyslexia Center, The Battle Within, the Masonic Medical Research Institute, Disaster Relief, the Masonic Benevolence Endowment Fund, and many other great organizations.
On behalf of the Masonic Brotherhood Fund, we wish to express our heartfelt thanks and deepest appreciation for your consideration in making a donation. Your donation will make it possible for us to continue our mission and provide vital resources to our community. There are great Thank You gifts as a commemoration for your generous donation. Please click the donate button to make a donation or reach out to your Lodge, District Brotherhood Fund Chairman, or our office.
W∴ Jerry Filippidis & R∴ W∴ Bruce Testut
Co-Chairmen Masonic Brotherhood Fund
To make an online Donation click here: Donate
Need programs or speakers?
Many are available for the asking. Look for them on this web site.
- Masonic Medical Research Laboratory
- The Masonic Home in Utica
- Livingston Library & Museum
- MBF Chairman & Vice-Chairman
E-mail us or call for information
R∴W∴Bruce Testut or W∴ Jerry Filippidis
Office number-1- 212 337-6652
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Grand Lodge number 212-337-6600